7 months ago
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Manyvids Girl - Dirtybirdyy - Dirtybirdyy Turning Into A Fat Cow Redo - Fat, Facestuffing / Overeating, Gaining Weight (Переедание / Переедание)
This is a redo of an older weight gain progression video that was out of focus. I begin in a purple velvet dress, eating snacks when you tell me I’ve gained some weight. You tease that I’ll turn into a fat cow if I keep eating like this! I tell you that’s ridiculous and continue to binge on cookies. In the next scene, somethings different about me. My clothes are tighter, but that’s not it. I’ve grown cow ears! I touch my new ears in shock. Will I have to go on a diet? But I just cant resist food. I continue to eat unti lthe next scene, where I’m bursting out of a tiny cow print bikini. I show off my new tail and my big curvy body now that I’m a fat cow. I tell you I don’t care what I look like! I love food and I want to keep eating until I’m huge! The video ends with some belly play and weight gain talk!
Free Dirtybirdyy Turning Into A Fat Cow Redo from hot slut DirtyBirdyy. Fabulous video story ManyVids will present you desire.
Free Dirtybirdyy Turning Into A Fat Cow Redo from hot slut DirtyBirdyy. Fabulous video story ManyVids will present you desire.