Broke Fucks Bore Me - July 15, 2019 - Kendallolsen - Manyvids Girl - Female Domination, Femdom Pov (Фемдом Pov)
There's is nothing I hate more than being bored. Do you know what makes me especially bored? Broke fucks make me bored. Broke fucks ARE boring. They're useless, and we all know how I feel about useless things... useless men in particular. I have no room for cheapskates in my life. I mean, look at me. Do you think a girl as gorgeous as I feels obliged to entertain broke losers? NOPE! I love generous slaves who keep things exciting with their money. That's FUN. I focus on the FUN aspects of my life. The boring, broke fucks always seem to.. well.. get discarded lol. Which type of man would you rather be?